“Functional training” was founded by Dr. Gary Gray and is the study of how the body works as a unit which is the way we move in everyday life. It involves all aspects of physical fitness including strength, flexibility, balance, power and core strength. I have received a Certification in Applied Functional Science (CAFS), from the gray institute.
The Gray institute breaks down our movement patterns and analyzes them in all three planes of motion. The understanding of how the body moves properly in “function” will help identify what areas or muscles need to be addressed and the dysfunctional movement pattern corrected. This is similar to corrective exercise but involves a more systematic approach to identifying where the breakdown has occurred.

The most popular trainers are not always the best ones. They are marketers who push the latest and greatest diet and workouts which many times have been purchased from other trainers. They are also rarely designed to meet our individual goals or our body type. The program you’re getting is from someone who has been in the fitness industry for over 40 years and was a successful amateur bodybuilder and international cover model for Muscle & Fitness magazine as well as many others.

Many of us have tried workout after workout that have a one size fits all format with little or no results. Many of the programs are very basic and don’t have enough variety to keep your muscles “guessing”, which is what your muscles need and desire to grow and overcome the stimulus. Many of the other “guru’s” workout plans can also be too long. “90 days” is the common phrase. Our bodies push back from boredom and over training or lack of motivation. Failure is almost guaranteed. Many time’s we under-train and limited results are seen.
That’s where my plan differs. First off, it’s 8 weeks long (56 days) instead of 90 like most. In the strength and conditioning world training cycles are usually 6-8 weeks long. Studies show this is the amount of time our body needs to adjust to the stimulus before it starts to plateau and we all know that word if you’re at all familiar with working out. By removing those last 30 days and switching to another training phase, you will allow your body to adapt and heal much more efficiently, smashing those training barriers. Also, many of the sets, reps and rest periods are varied to add more variety and exercise selection is very diverse.

Many programs talk a big talk with non-stop advertising but very few can actually show you proven results. That’s why on my web site here I have success stories of clients who put in the effort and work. They are featured on the landing page here and hopefully you will too if you’re ready to take the next step to building your best body.
Another thing to keep in mind is a phrase made popular by the late fitness guru Jack La lane. “Exercise is king and diet is queen, together they make a kingdom”. You can’t have one without the other. That’s why I also offer nutritional guidance as well. If you’re interested in my nutritional programs, click on the nutrition tab at the top and then click on the drop down menu where it says “what to expect. I also offer a great nutritional template in the “products” section which will help you understand how to map out your diet.

My personal workouts are also designed using exercise videos, so you know exactly how to execute each and every movement as well as precise guidelines for each set, rep, rest and order of exercises. My web site is also full of resources to help you maximize your progress. In addition, I have programs available for those people on a budget with limited equipment for the home. You can access all my workouts that utilize various different types of equipment and training methods in the products page.
Are you?
Customized Plans
Do you have a specific goal or you just want to take it to another level

As people we all have a history and that history will dictate your level of fitness when you begin my program. Please understand that everyone, including guys like Michael Jordan, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Muhammed Ali, were all beginners at one point in their life. What made them different was their ability to have a vision or goal that was realistic. From there, most importantly, they had a PLAN. If you don’t have a plan, failure is almost guaranteed. The problem with most personal trainers and other fitness professionals is that there is no plan. Everything is done by the “seat of their pants” and has no foundation or measurement of improvement or success.
My program has checks and balances to evaluate success or lack of progress. No one should ever fail; we all just need to re-evaluate so we can determine why our progress has stalled.
The program starts with an interview where I learn as much as I can about you and your lifestyle. Your likes, dislikes and what your health history is like. Everyone is required to complete a Physical-Activity-Readiness-Questionnaire or PAR-Q. After that, I will do an analysis of your body fat composition, which consists of a Bio-impedance Measurement, in which a small electrical current is passed through the body. The speed of the current determines ones body fat percentage.
I also use a seven-point caliper measurement or “skin fold” assessment, which measures subcutaneous body fat. In addition, I take my clients circumference measurements. All three allow me to get an overall body fat measurement. I then take the average of all three scores and get an accurate prediction of your body fat level. All these forms of assessment help me keep the client on track as well as provide feedback for all your hard work. I will also obtain your BMI or Body-Mass-index. This is a measurement is used on the general population mostly by insurance companies, to determine if an individual is overweight, obese or very obese.
The next step is a full structural analysis of your skeletal and muscular system. Many times, our lifestyle sets us up for muscular imbalances or dysfunctions. An important part of my program is to begin with corrective exercises if the client has any structural or muscular dysfunctions due to their work or hobby. Many times, it’s something in your life that is a repetitive or static movement done for a long period of time. Many people don’t realize it, but sleeping posture is an important part of maintaining a good “Muscular Chain”. If I identify any muscular imbalances or flexibility problems, those corrections will be incorporated into your program to prevent future problems that could cause you pain, discomfort or even miss work. Many times, the culprit of dysfunctional muscles is weak stabilizers. A muscle can be strong but still be an inherently weak stabilizer. Stabilizers require endurance to maintain posture. A good example of this relationship is the gluteus muscles and their effect on the paraspinal muscles of the lower back. If you have weak stabilizing glutes the paraspinals will tighten up and become overworked causing pain.
During the program design a client’s goals become the main focus. Time lines are established along with checks and balances to make sure we are on track.
People often times ask what my client workouts consist of. That is a very general question that has so many elements to it. So, it’s hard to have a “general” reply to give a prospective client an idea of how I would train them.
If you look in my services section, there are many different forms of exercise and ways to reach your goals. A lot of times people come in wanting to utilize a specific mode of training like TRX or cross fit. One thing I would like my clients to understand. Cross fit is not a workout per say, it is a sport and those guys and girls competing in the cross fit games are athletes performing complex movements in an extremely fatigued state. If you do not have proper personal one-on-one training to learn the movements correctly, injury is almost guaranteed.
I mention this because I do incorporate cross fit movements into client’s programs if they demonstrate or work up to the required fitness level, strength and skill set. If a person attempts a program like cross fit as a beginner, without supervision, a trip to the E.R. or your local orthopedic surgeon is almost guaranteed.
The area I usually train my in-home clients is in North County San Diego area, such as Carmel Valley, Solana Beach, Del Mar, Rancho Sante Fe, Fairbanks Ranch, Carlsbad, Encinitas, Cardiff and La Jolla. I will travel within ten miles of those areas.
These are some the important aspects of my program:
- Certified Personal Trainer.
- Safe and enjoyable instruction.
- NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist.
- Personal training in Kickboxing and self-defense.
- Over 35 years of experience in the fitness industry.
- Instruction in Plyometrics as well as sport specific athletic activities.
- Personal training that is adjusted to your needs and your body type.
- Personal training services in your home, office or gym. I will come to you.
- I work to keep you interested with different types of exercises and environments.
- Incorporating the exercise training programs into your lifestyle and / or limitations.
- The latest technological exercises, training and fitness advances for MEN and WOMEN.
- Consistent monitoring and keeping track of your personal progress throughout the training program.
- I travel to North county and the surrounding area for group and corporate personal training instruction.
- Equipment purchase consulting as well as corporate seminars on health, wellness and personal fitness.
- I am a personal trainer who is a certified Nutrition Manager with the National Academy of Sports Dietitians and Nutritionists.

Often people begin a weight loss program with high expectations and fall flat shortly after starting. Many times, the culprit is that we set lofty goals that are not manageable in most people’s lives. The changes must be small and subtle, and the weight must come off slow. Otherwise it is unrealistic to maintain. Most people starting a weight loss or exercise program have neglected their health for years. So, it’s not surprising that what took years to develop, won’t take weeks to come off either. We must have patience and look at it differently.
We shouldn’t make vanity our priority. We all want to live a long life without pain and free of doctor visits and sick days. So that is how you must approach your meals. Like you want to live 100 years.
During my 35 years in the business, I noticed the most successful people on a weight loss program were the ones who decided they wanted to be HEALTHY and FIT and not worry about how they look. So, remember- “Lose the vanity and you will keep your sanity”.
What you will get when working with me is an approved meal plan from a registered dietician. Realize personal trainers are not supposed to write up meal plans, it’s against state law. However, I work alongside a registered dietician who oversees all my client’s meals. Once I write up the diet, my dietician will give their approval or advise if any corrections need to be made.
To begin, first you need to fill out some paperwork, which will help me determine the best meal plan for your needs.
Before filling this form out take the following measurements ( in inches please ) because you will need to enter them in the form:
a) Your neck across the largest point.
b) Your waist across your belly button or navel (don’t suck your stomach in)
c) Your hips at the largest point.
Foods you like and dislike as well as meal timing and habits and whether or not certain foods are available to you:
You will need to go to the following web site and log your calories for three days. This will let me see how you are currently eating and what needs to be corrected and what doesn’t. The web site is called www.MyFitnessPal.com
It’s a free App. and when you sign up, be sure to create a username that includes your last name. I have a lot of clients and I won’t know who is who if everyone uses a different username than their own name. By logging your calories, it allows me to monitor your eating patterns and foods.
So in order for me to see what you’re eating, you will also need to be sure to send me a friend request at: Johnturk@sbcglobal.net. If they ask you for my username it is: Turk182.
Also, you will need to allow me access to your food diary. So, go into your Settings Tab once you sign up and scroll down to “Diary settings” and check the box that says “Allow friends”. This all sounds complicated but it’s very easy actually. I would be happy to set it up for you if you like, so let me know.
Once all the paperwork is completed and your calories have been logged (for three days) on my fitness pal, I will write up a meal plan specifically for you. It is a template to let you know the best times to eat according to your schedule. It will consist of the foods you like and the total amounts of important nutrients for a healthy diet and customized to your daily schedule.
In addition, I will also assess any risks you may have for disease, which includes, diabetes, heart disease as well as other digestive and metabolic disorders. Your BMI, body fat and possible deficiencies of important nutrients will also be assessed. Once I write up the plan, we will schedule a 1 hour skype session or meet in person if you are in the San Diego area. We will then go over your meal plan and answer any questions or concerns you have.
The plan including the Skype session or in person consult is $400.00 if you are not buying a personal training package. That allows you to ask questions via email for 3 weeks. I usually cut it off at three weeks because if you are following the plan, there may be adjustments that need to be made and sometimes it takes time to find the proper balance for your specific needs.
After the initial meal plan, if you want to obtain another meal plan, each additional template is $100. If you go inactive for 6 months and I don’t hear from you, we will need to talk briefly to discuss what updates to your health information need to be addressed or disclosed. If you just want to follow up with me and ask questions via Skype, Zoom, other media or in person, which is $150.00 for one hour.
What the meal plan includes:
• Create Client Profiles with foods and before and after pictures
• Work alongside with a registered dietitian
• Caloric and Energy nutrient analysis
• Flag nutrient deficiencies
• Micronutrient analysis
• Custom Menu plans